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Rebecca's People Search Private Eye!

Hey everyone! My name is Rebecca, and I'm a apartment manager by day, and a detective by night - or at least I will be for the next month. After that, I will retire from detective work and just manage property. For now though, I do a lot of my detective work on computers tying to find a person online before I go try to find them out in the real world. During my years doing this I have found a lot of sites I thought might be of help to the average joe. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I do.


Ugh, I have no choice but to add Hillary Clinton to my hate list. Why won't she just slither back where she came from. You don't even need to do a background check on the lady. Her dirty laundry is all over the evening news all the time. Seriously. I wish she would just get out and stay out and stop harassing the rest of the country with her stupid campaign debts. Maybe if we poured Holy Water on her, she'd melt?


Man, did I call it, or did I call it? Even though Hillary officially bowed out, I'm not convinced. There's definitely some sneaky backroom politicking going on right now. You know it. She just couldn't slither back to late night informercials as much as we'd like her to. But seriously, this whole campaign went totally seriously wrong. I mean, couldn't the lady have done a background check on her campaign staff? That would have saved the entire country so much heartache! Ugh. Anyway, I'm glad it's over. General election, bring it on! I think I want to find people to start a political blog or something.


I got election fever again. The primaries are coming up and I hope Obama can eliminate Hillary once and for all. If he takes both, she's gotta drop out, right? Sadly, I don't think she's gonna drop out no matter what happens. They'll have to pull her kicking and screaming from the burning wreckage of her campaign. We'll just see what happens Tuesday. I almost wanted to wait to post this until after Tuesday, but I have so many links for you guys that it just couldn't wait any longer. There's a very useful people search site I'd like to tell you guys about...let me know what you think. If you stick with me, I'll make you into a real people search private eye! This is a funny, sorta disturbing Giant List about possible 9-11 ads. See you guys later!


Okay, I can't handle this election stuff anymore. Reverend Wright this, "bitter" that...Why can't people just focus on the issues? Oh yeah, cause that stuff doesn't sell. It's just really sad. I thought this election was gonna be different from all the rest, but I was obviously very very wrong. It just makes me even sadder than I already was over the debacle that is the Democratic primary. But of course, I can't avoid it. To do so would be complete and utter folly, you know. I'd just get madder cause I couldn't avoid it when I was trying to. So I figure I might as well just immerse myself in it. Maybe then I'll get oversaturated with all the insanity and won't physically be able to pay any more attention. I'll let you know if that works...fat bloody chance. As usual, I've just been trying to keep my attention filled with find person sites, but that hasn't exactly been working like I intended. Oh well. I mean, I don't need to run a background check on anyone, but I do anyway just for fun. Yep, I'm weird...that's been established! You know what else is fun(ny)? Giant Lists. Even though they do political stuff, and I'm sick of it, they do it in a hilarious way. Omega 3 vitamins are also pretty fun, believe it or not. Yep, I'm lame...that's also been established!


So now that Superbowl fever's all done with, what do we turn our attention to now? The elections, of course! I'm torn, guys. I feel solidarity with women all over, and as a women into solidarity with women I feel I should vote Hillary. But then I have worries about her chances in the general election. People really seem to hate her, and I think she'll just rally all the Republicans around McCain just to vote against her. Obama has my vote, folks. Yep, I said it! Okay I'm getting off my soapbox and getting into my easy people search chair. I am here to help you guys find people. Trust me, you can't find people if I can't find you people. Man all this talk about finding people has made me hungry. Before I go grab a PB&J, check out Phone Number Search.


Man, I am still getting over that crazy upset by New York! Yup, folks, believe it or not I'm a football fan. Isn't everyone once the Superbowl rolls around? Secretely I really just like the hot wings, the beer, the commercials, and the hot tight ends! Ohh yeah baby! Tom Brady could get into my endzone anyday. Wow, sorry about all that. That wasn't like me at all. Don't worry, I have tons of links for you. Here's an awesome people search site. If you're looking to find people, look no further. Oh and for the truth behind products without all the marketing nonsense, check out Consumer Advocate.


Whew! My first post after the New Year...exciting! How is everyone? Did you take my advice and look for people from your past? I sure hope so, cause I have even more links for you guys to try out. Yep, three nice big juicy links to aid you in your people finding escapades. This one is run by a big people find person with tons of helpful links, but he's also absolutely hilarious! Highly recommended. If you need help finding people, this is another site that can help. And finally, USA People Seek is a new site with great advice to finding those long lost friends and family. Happy New Year and bye!


Hi folks! Have you started writing your New Year's resolutions yet? If you're anything like me, you'll wait till just before the countdown to quickly make some really monumental promises to yourself. Well, do yourself a favor and follow through...get a head start! This is a perfect chance for you to reconnect with an old friend or a lost relative. If you do decide to locate a person please start looking now! Or if personal reinvention is more your flavor this year, try learning how to write a resume. A new job can really make you feel refreshed and reenergized for the new year, trust me. Well, happy holidays, and I'll be back soon!


Hello! I am back with a people search update for you! People searching is more important than ever right now during the holidays. Get a head start on those new year's resolutions and find the people you've been searching for! I know I have a long list of people I want to reconnect with. I didn't really have time when I was doing people searches for work, but not that I do it for pleasure, I have way more time. I have some great sites I have found, to make up for the lack of links last time. I found this people searches blog, which has some awesome links and tips. Also, this is not people search related, and I think I have mentioned this site before, but go check out GiantLists.com-Never Hire People to do For You, which has a new list up that has things you should never hire to do for you. So funny. Can't get enough. Anyways, be back soon!
Hey everyone, I'm back with a quick people search update. I realized I forgot to let you all know about my favorite people search blog. It's a great finding people resource that I recommend to anyone just starting out trying to find people. How to Find a Person updates regularly with all the people search tips and tricks you'll need know. Another top site you should check out, now that I'm thinking of it is: Giant Lists - Finding people who don't want to be found although not entirely people search related; it's always a good laugh. Thanks for stopping by :)

Phew! It has been a warm summer, I'm glad my detective job is done with. It was fun while it lasted, but I'm glad to not have the pressure. Lately I've just been staying in and taking care of the complex. When I get some down time, I people search. Dorky I know. But i got so into it when I was doing detective work. Now I have all the leisure time I want to people search for fun. I've found some awesome sites related the "art" as I have come to call it, of people search. My favorite one has been this people search blog and it has some good info and links in it. I'm really amazed at how many other nerds blog about this kind of stuff! Well I gotta fix the air conditioner in 4D. Catch up soon!

Sites You Shouldn't Miss
Expert people search help from the original online public records search engine. If you need to find someone, I suggest you try here first. They have everything from background checks to reverse phone searches. Check them out!
A leading local portal and transactions company that provides in-depth local content and services to help people "get things done" online.


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